Thursday, December 25, 2008

Shimanami Bridge Shuffle

This is quite an amazing ride if you have time.
Its a succession of bridges linking a bunch of islands across the Japanese Inland sea between mainland Honshu and Shikoku Island…

Don’t quote me but its about 80km across and comprises 5 or so bridges. The bridge in this pic is actually 3 bridges linked together several kilometers long. You can see the massive pylons off in the distance.
It has its own cycle way and carries little traffic… the views are amazing and just check the cycleway ramps to get on and off the thing …now that infrastructure !!!

Shimanami Cycling road... linking some of the bridges

One of several bridges linking the islands.

Somewhere on the way ...

The blessed ferry ...

Somewhere else along the way...

On one bridge the cycleway is under the road deck...the lane on the right is for >125cc motorbikes

This is the cyclist Hotel at the Shikoku Island end ...well worth a stay.... it has a great onsen and you are welcome to bring your bikes into your room civilized.

Another bridge

Toy Land

The 'bridge' on the right is actually the on /off ramp to one of the Shimanami bridges!!! That's amazing cycling facilities don't you think?

Another clover leaf for cyclist and walkers....

The girls at the cyclist hotel...

The worlds out there ... Ride all over it !!!

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