Friday, December 28, 2007

Training ride

Stop 'friginng' around with the camera and 'pedal dam'it !!!'

I found this new road just up the hill from Odawara.
It’s not finished yet. It runs along at about 200m elevation for about 2 km and just stops! This means there is no traffic except for the occasional mandarin farmer
I’m using it as a quick training course for times that I don’t want to work out a route etc for a longer ride. About an hour doing laps of this is a nice workout.
It has plenty of tight cambered turns, some short ‘out of the saddle’ climbs, a few flats section and is a superb ride on super smooth hotmix…

The ride up to this road is a good warm up....Its steep

This is the view looking down on the training road.

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